Save the chocolate
Help us save chocolate that can no longer serve as a gift, eat it with us. Some are nearing the end of their minimum shelf life (don't worry, you can't tell by the taste, all chocolates have been stored at the correct temperature). According to some manufacturers, chocolate retains its taste for up to a year after the end of the minimum shelf life. This way you get a luxurious bar chocolate for a better price!
MT - The chocolate is nearing the end of its minimum shelf life or may be slightly past
PO - The packaging of the chocolate was wrinkled or torn during transport to us. The chocolate will be without colored packaging, all important information is given on the label.
Použité kakao pochází ze sítě přibližně 1 500 drobných zemědělců. Čokoláda má toastový a sladový charakter s karamelovými tóny. Bean To Bar