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198 items total






Percentage of cocoa

198 items to display
Blanxart Peru – Alto Piura 77% BIO
Single Origin Bean To Bar

This 77% organic dark chocolate is made from hand-selected cocoa beans of the Criollo variety originating from the Alto Piura region of Peru. A beautifully rounded chocolate...

Code: 2182
Naive spices 800x800 1
New Single Origin

The mouth becomes a concert hall of spices. Black garlic, vanilla and a hint of chipotle are harmoniously encapsulated by the 65% chocolate, which slowly melts on the tongue.

Code: 2180
Kuna esmeraldas 100 60 gr front
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Dvě luxusní 30g čokolády z Ekvádoru v jednom krásném balení

Code: 2179
Blanxart Nicaragua – Bosawas 85% BIO
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Organická hořká čokoláda vyrobená z 85% Criollo a kakaa Trinitario z Nikaraguy.

Code: 2178
500x500 2
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Made from Nacional variety cocoa beans from the Guayas province in Ecuador. The Nacional cocoa beans are one of the most aromatic in the world – and when they are grown upstream...

Code: 2177
Blanxart Dominikánská Republika 82% BIO
Single Origin Bean To Bar

82% Organická hořká čokoláda s dominikánským kakaem.

Code: 2176
Blanxart Dominican Republic 99% BIO
Single Origin Bean To Bar

The organic 99% Dominican Republic bar, made from Trinitario variety cocoa beans, is intense and aromatic chocolate for those seeking the purest chocolate with very low sugar...

Code: 2175
Blanxart Peru – Alto Piura 100% BIO
Single Origin Bean To Bar

This organic 100% bar is made from hand-selected Criollo-cocoa beans from the Alto Piura region of Peru. A beautifully full-bodied cocoa with subtle acidity and mild bitter...

Code: 1970
Blanxart Dominikánská Republika 72% BIO
Single Origin Bean To Bar

72% hořká čokoláda s dominikánským kakaem.

Code: 2174
49129 BLX Chocolate con Leche 42 Congo ECO 1
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Organická mléčná čokoláda vyrobená z kakaa Forastero z Konga.

Code: 2173
Blanxart 76 Brasil
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Organická hořká čokoláda vyrobená z kakaa Trinitario. Brazílie oblast Pará

Code: 1961
Auro Arabica coffee dark 55 27 gr front 800x800

Čistá filipínská čokoláda obohacená o exkluzivní benguetskou kávu. A to v malé tabulce. Nemohlo by to být o nic bláznivější. 

Code: 2172
Auro Cacao nibs dark 64 27 gr front 800x800

Vítěz prestižní ceny Academy of Chocolate! Malá tabulka. Lahodná tmavá čokoláda z Filipín s kakaovými praženými boby, které zajišťují příjemný křup. Užijte si lahodné pohlazení...

Code: 2171
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